What Is Chin Lipo Surgery, New Guide About The Procedure

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What is Chin lipo surgery? Have you undergone it, or have you ever heard of it before? If you are self-conscious and take care of yourself, you might know little about such aesthetic skin treatments.

Almost every one of us is conscious of our looks, especially while taking a selfie. Even if there is a tiny scar on our faces, it makes us sad. But, we should not only care about a good selfie; one must be careful about his health and looks for himself.

Having extra fat beneath the chin indicates that skin aging has weakened the jawline. Chin lipo is the solution for the stubborn excess fat under the chin that can’t be removed from diet or exercise.

Chin lipo, also known as chin liposuction, removes extra fat under the chin and gives you a smoother and more contoured appearance. In chin lipo, excess fat is removed by a vacuum at a level determined by a plastic surgeon.

chin lipo

What is chin lipo surgery?

Plastic surgeons have many procedures for chin lipo. These procedures include:


It removes extra fat from the double chin.


It involves chin liposuction and small incisions under the chin to tighten neck muscles.

It removes excess fat or tightens the neck muscles to give a more contoured appearance.

All these procedures can be used for chin lipo, but the doctor will recommend a neck lift if your skin is not very elastic and has a loose appearance.

With double chin liposuction, another method is also used to treat excess fat, called chin botox. This toxin temporarily limits the movement of muscles underneath the skin layers to give you a smooth appearance of wrinkles on the lower part of the jawline. It is delivered by injection to stabilize the desired part.

Preparation for chin lipo:

The process involves the insertion of a small tube called a cannula into different areas of the chin. By a gentle suction small amount of fat is removed from each location. It results more even profile and contoured facial appearance.

During a neck lift, the surgeon makes small incisions behind the neck or underneath the chin and removes extra fat, which tightens the neck muscles too.

Procedure for double chin lipo:

For double chin lipo, a surgeon makes the following steps to proceed with the surgery:

  • The surgeon will examine the neck and chin areas to make the pointers with a pen to note the cannula’s areas.
  • The skin is cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic to reduce the chances of infection.
  • Then the anesthetic solution is administered to make the desired area numb if required.
  • After this, several small incisions are made in marked areas to insert the cannula. The incisions should be large enough so that cannula can be inserted easily.
  • Next, they will insert a cannula to proceed with liposuction and use back and forth or fanning motion to remove excess fat and pay close attention to how much fat should be removed on a specific area to ensure a good facial profile.
  • Then the last step is to apply a bandage as necessary, including a strap to support the skin while it heals.

In neck lift first three steps are the same as in the liposuction. After that, surgeons make incisions, usually at the hairline and behind the ears. Then they will remove extra fat and skin from the neck. Finally, they will close the incisions with glue or stitches to heal. These stitches are not visible due to the hairline.

In submentoplasty, the surgeon makes fewer incisions and does not remove extra skin but tightens the neck muscles to make a more toned appearance.

Outcomes of double chin lipo:

Double chin lipo surgery is now a successful technique to eliminate the double chin. Quickly after the chin liposuction patient has observed the bruising and swelling larger than before, but he has to be calm and patient to see the results as the swelling may go away soon.

There also may be some discomfort and pain after the surgery, but this can be healed with medication. If it does not go away for long, then consult your doctor. You may see the clearer jawline and toned face as it heals with time.

Chin lipo recovery time:

After three days of chin lipo, most patients can be back to their routine. But in many cases, it can take a week or more to recover as every individual has different metabolism to heal.

Bruising and swelling go away over time. After a few days, one can observe the results of surgery, but still patient should wear the head wrap to keep the chin in the proper position to support the skin appropriately with the neck and chin to get the finest results.

Sleeping is a bit difficult right after the surgery. The patient could not bend or lean on the neck. It is advised to keep the head 30 degrees high to ensure a speedy recovery.

Side effects of double chin lipo:

Chin liposuction is a technique to reduce excess fat from your body with multiple risks. It seems so beneficial for your chin, neck, and face contouring, but with all this, it has some side effects that you must be well aware of before getting the treatment. Many risks can happen during or after surgery. Some of the prominent ones are mentioned below:

  • Asymmetry or facial features:

It is possible that you don’t get your desired result after chin lipo and have asymmetry in your surgical area like the chin or neck, which may disorder your facial features. 

  • Bleeding:

It happens sometimes while operating. Bleeding starts within the incisions called a hematoma, which is a medical term that indicates bleeding under the skin.

  • Complications due to anesthesia:

It is another risk during liposuction that anesthesia can cause a problem in breathing or may affect the timing of numbness.

  • Decreased skin sensitivity:

As the surgery did, you may get a toned face, but it can decrease your skin sensitivity, leading to other skin problems and making your skin more reactive to any skin issue.

  • Discomfort:

You may lead to discomfort due to pain or any other irritating due to chin lipo surgery which can disturb your routine.

  • Infection:

You may get an infection after liposuction due to the equipment used during surgery, or your skin is too sensitive to handle the medications prescribed.

  • Nerve injury:

Chin liposuction can cause permanent nerve damage and changes to the skin sensation.

  • Skin necrosis:

The surgery, in some cases, may lead to the death of skin cells called skin necrosis.

  • Kidney and heart problems:
  • Shifts of fluids injected and suctioned out can cause severe heart and kidney problems.
  • Contour irregularities:

Your skin may look bumpy or wavy due to uneven fat removal after surgery.

  • Internal puncture:

The cannula penetrates to suck the extra fat may go too deep and cause a puncture of the inter-organ.

  • Seroma:

Chin liposuction has a risk of seroma leaking the fluid under the skin.

After knowing the above side effects, one must be careful while going for chin liposuction. And if you are a plastic surgeon, you have to make your patient aware of the risks and side effects of chin liposuction.

Comparison of double chin lipo and Kybella:

Before comparing the two chin lipo and Kybella, we must know what Kybella is.


Also known as deoxycholic acid directly destroys fat cells. It is an injectable treatment and can be done quickly in no time. Patients may have swelling and redness after this treatment.

It is critical to know that you will need at least two sessions or more to achieve your desired result. The injection sessions should have a gap of at least two months. After that, your doctor will assess how many sessions you need further.


Today, we have availability of both options, whether liposuction or kybella. Choosing the better option for yourself will depend on the situation and the opinion of your plastic surgeon.

Liposuction and kybella do not achieve the result you want, but it depends on your skin quality. It may take three months to develop the result.

If you ask which is better? A surgeon will go for chin lipo surgery because it is a one-time permanent treatment, but on the other hand, you are not sure about the sessions you need in kybella. Also, it is not suitable for those who do not have highly elastic neck skin or have loose neck muscles.

The people will prefer kybella, who does not want the surgical process or have other issues such as qualm with anesthesia. But the amount of kybella adds up as you need more sessions. Sometimes it can surpass the cost of chin liposuction.

Frequently asked questions:

How long should a patient wear a Compression garment after chin lipo?

The compression garment is a soft and synthetic strap used after chin lipo to reduce pain, swelling, and redness and increase your healing processAfter surgery, itIt builds pressure on your chiy to heal it fast and give your chin a proper shape.

How long does swelling last after chin lipo?

After the surgery, the swelling starts to go down after a week, but you should keep wearing a compression garment for four weeks or more as advised. Sometimes swelling may take up to six weeks to go away, but after a few days, you will be able to be back to work.

What happens if I don’t wear compression garments after double chin lipo?

You need to wear a compression garment after chin lipo to minimize the swelling and bruising. If you do not wear a compression garment, the chances of quick healing will be less as it increases your blood flow and helps tissues to grow.

How long after chin lipo do you see results?

You start to see the results almost after two days, but it will take two weeks when your skin tightens and shrinks. The skin will continue to shape around the chin and jawline for three months.

Does chin lipo leave saggy skin?

As you get the extra fat removal quickly after double chin lipo, it may leave you with saggy and loose skin depending on how much fat is removed, and you will be more conscious after surgery than before. 


All points mentioned above will help you know about chin liposuction with its benefits and side effects.

It has become an essential part for the people who are camera faces like many celebrities are concerned with the plastic surgeon for their double chin treatment as it looks awkward when you are on screen.

It is up to the surgeon to examine the patient’s skin to suggest the most appropriate technique, whether double chin liposuction or Kybella.

But we cannot ignore chin botox with these two, which is now widely used to reduce your wrinkles for double chin and many other parts of the body.

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