Ringing ear meaning? Do You know the Ultimate Top 5 Medications

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What do you understand by ringing ear meaning? Is it harmless? What causes the ringing in the ear? Is it a recurring problem? Questions like these tend to create havoc among the public sometimes. 

Although this may not be as distressing as it tends to become among people, the distress and anxiousness can lead to problems that were not even present before. 

ringing ear meaning

This article, however, will be able to lessen your doubts and confusion. It will entail how your ears work? What is meant by the ringing of the ear? What could be its causes? And how can it be cured? So, let’s begin.


Ears are commonly known as a source for listening. But it is more than just a sensory organ. Though ears are divided into three parts, each part complements the other in working.

Basic structures 

Outer ear

It is the visible part of the ear. It is known as an auricle. It is an almost rudimentary part of the ear, providing a pathway to the sound waves. It opens into the external auditory canal. Ringing ear meaning could be well understood by knowing the anatomy of the ear first.

Tympanic membrane

A thin membrane creates a junction between the outer and middle ear. 

Middle ear

It is an air-filled cavity between the outer and inner ear. It contains 3 small ear bones or ossicles that are malleus, incus and stapes. It also consists of a Eustachian tube.

Inner ear

It is the innermost and the most important part of the ear. It contains cochlea (a snail-shaped structure) and semicircular canals.


Outer ear

The auricle, the visible part of the ear, receives the sound waves and directs them to the external auditory canals. The hair in the external auditory canal helps capture dirt and other debris from reaching the inner ear. The channel itself links the outer ear and the middle ear.

Tympanic membrane and middle ear

The tympanic membrane, also commonly known as the eardrum, is not only a junction but a transmitter of sound waves as well. As the sound waves coming from outside hit the membrane, it causes vibration. This vibration extends to the ear ossicles. This is how the sounds are carried to the inside of the ear.

However, the eustachian tube maintains the air pressure within the middle ear. It keeps the intratympanic air pressure in equilibrium with the external auditory canal.

Inner ear

The ossicles are attached to semicircular canals and cochlea. The fluid and tiny hairlike projections in semicircular canals help provide our whole body with a sense of physical balance.

The cochlea, however, has sensory cells that convert sound waves into electrochemical impulses. These are carried to the brain through auditory nerves, and that’s how we hear.

What is meant by tinnitus?

Tinnitus is when you observe noises in your ears, specifically ringing. These ringing noises do not come from an external source but from within the ears. That is why other surrounding people could not hear it. They would not be able to tell the difference as well.

This problem is most common in older people. 


Tinnitus can be a result of any underlying disease. But sometimes it can accompany other noises as well, including:

  • Roaring
  • Whistling
  • Buzzing
  • Clicking
  • Humming 
  • Hissing

Sometimes it could be a whistling sound or a tick in the ear. This ringing varies from a low roar to a high squeal. Nonetheless, they cause uneasiness among the observers. 

Sometimes these noises can cause hindrance in listening to external sounds. Tinnitus could be a constant problem or could be gone and occur again.

On rare occasions, tinnitus may occur rhythmically following the heartbeats. It is known as pulsatile tinnitus. In this case, your doctor will be able to listen to your tinnitus on further examination.


Tinnitus can be a sign of age factor or can be a cause of any underlying disease. If kept untreated, it can worsen the health conditions. Some of the common causes of tinnitus are as under:

Ear infections and semicircular canal blockage

In our inner ear, there are semicircular canals filled with fluid. If, for some reason, these canals get obstructed, it leads to fluid accumulation.

It can result from an ear infection, dirt, or any foreign body. The addition of fluid and dirt may interfere with the pressure in the ear. It will result in tinnitus.

Hearing loss

As mentioned above, the cochlea possesses many hairlike projections. They help in sensing the sound waves and converting them into electrical impulses.

As older age approaches, this hair either bends or breaks, disrupting electrical impulses. It can happen in people who are exposed to high-volume sounds. It causes a spill of inaccurate electrical impulses leading to tinnitus.

Head or neck trauma

The nerves of the ear are connected to the head and neck region. Any physical trauma will affect the ear’s functioning. Such traumas cause tinnitus in one ear.


Many medications play a huge role in causing tinnitus. Usually, the higher the dose of the drugs, worsen the tinnitus becomes. Though its effects are temporary, tinnitus will vanish once you stop taking the medications.

Medications assumed to cause tinnitus to entail:

  • Antidepressants
  • Cancer drugs
  • Diuretics (water pills)
  • Antimalarial drugs
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

These were some of the most common causes of tinnitus. The rare or uncommonly observed causes are briefly described below:

Blood vessels disorders

Many health conditions interfere with blood vessels in their flow as well. Some are atherosclerosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), and malformed blood vessels. These conditions push blood through the veins and arteries a bit more forcefully. 

These alterations may cause tinnitus or make it a bit more rigorous.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

The temporomandibular joint links the temporal bone of the head to the lower jaw (mandible) on either side of the face. Any changes or deterioration in this joint will cause tinnitus as this joint is located just in front of the ears.

Ear ossicles disorders

These disorders are hereditary and may run through generations. In this condition, the ear ossicles (bones) stiffen. This unable them from vibrating freely and affects their hearing capability. It usually occurs when the bone outgrows, which negatively results in tinnitus.

Chronic conditions

Tinnitus is observed in many chronic diseases or disorders like diabetes, anemia, thyroid conditions, and migraines. Autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis were also regarded as tinnitus in some cases.

Eustachian tube dysfunction

The eustachian tube is a part of the middle ear. It maintains the air pressure within the ear. But in certain conditions, the tube remains dilated. It creates the sensation of heaviness and fullness in the ear. And it becomes the cause of tinnitus as well.

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is associated with the fluid pressure within the cochlea. Any hindrance in its working mechanism may show negative signs. One of them is tinnitus.

Risk factors


As you get older, the nerve fibers in the inner ear either bend over or get damaged. It causes a decline in the hearing capabilities of the person. And it causes many problems from which tinnitus is one of them.

Smoking and alcohol use

People who have been smoking for a longer time are susceptible to getting tinnitus. Alcohol consumption also increases the risks of tinnitus in an addicted person.

Loud noise

Places are carrying out loud noises through many types of equipment. They include chain saws, construction equipment, firearms, and even mp3 players operated at high volumes. The employees who work in such environments as musicians, construction workers, and soldiers are prone to greater risk. 

If safety measures like headphones are not taken, tinnitus could become an affirmative possibility.


Tinnitus could accompany other problems depending on the person. Some of the alongside problems are listed below:

  • Stress
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia or arrhythmic sleeping pattern
  • Fatigue
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Disturbed attentiveness
  • Dementia (memory loss)
  • Trouble in family life

These conditions could be linked to tinnitus. Treating these symptoms may not cure tinnitus, but it may help the person feel better.

Preventive measures

Use of hearing protection

Exposure to loud sounds over a long period can damage the sensory nerves in the ears. People who work in a noisy work atmosphere are more at risk. Employees likely: musicians, construction workers, or in firearms must use over-ear protection to avoid ear problems, more specifically tinnitus. 

Listening in low volume

Tinnitus could have a very slow progression. Yet it all starts with amplified music or audio without any ear protection. Listening to audios in very high volume through the earphones or earplugs will lead to tinnitus after a long exposure period.

Avoid alcohol and nicotine

Their excessive use will affect the blood flow in different body regions. It may also cause tinnitus. Better to limit or avoid taking alcohol and nicotine than bear its consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take for tinnitus to go away?

According to the currently observed recoveries of patients, it is estimated that tinnitus takes 6-12 months to resolve after its onset. If the time exceeds this, you will still feel sounds but dimmed and reduced by time. Nonetheless, consultation should be pursued by the suffering person.

Can an odd sleeping posture cause tinnitus?

Sleeping with your neck at an odd angle can be found harmful. It causes blood vessels to kink (twist or buckle), producing turbulence in the blood flow. This disturbance may create sounds perceived as tinnitus.

How do you stay asleep having tinnitus?

The following regime may help secure proper sleep even if you have tinnitus:

  • Pen down all your thoughts before going to bed.
  • Go to bed, wake up early, and keep your sleep duration the same every day.
  • Be cautious of your screen time.
  • Make your room pitch dark before going to bed
  • Formulate a healthy evening activity routine.

Is exercise good for tinnitus?

Exercise, in general, helps create a healthy lifestyle. People suffering from tinnitus pursue exercising to cope with this condition. If someone is not habitual in exercising, they may begin with light walking or swimming. Walking will help you sleep better.

Can tinnitus be detected in MRI?

MRI may assist in ruling out tumors in the ear or evaluating pulsatile tinnitus. The blood vessels visible in MRI may help track any underlying medical condition to cross-match the symptoms.


It has been made clear that tinnitus can be a harmless aspect if kept under constant vigilance. Tinnitus can become a destination from a path of bad habits like listening to loud music. 

But after being diagnosed with tinnitus, it is important to consult doctors or relative ENT (ear, nose, and throat) consultants. They will rule out its underlying condition of it.

This article proved to establish a basic concept of tinnitus among the public. We covered basic anatomy and working of the ear. What is meant by tinnitus? What could be its causes? And what could be done to prevent it? So, until the next interesting topic, keep yourself happy and healthy.

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